Day and Night – Flood and Drought
This picture was taken on the way back from field measurements at Lordsburg Playa in New Mexico, USA. With an extent of approximately 10 km in East-West, and 30 km in North-South direction, Lordsburg Playa is a significant dust source in the Southwestern Unites States. It is of particular interest for traffic, as the highway I-10 crosses the playa. Windy conditions and associated dust emissions at the playa frequently lead to drastically reduced visibilities on the highway and severe traffic accidents. In October 2016, I went to a one-week field trip to the playa and installed a temporary measurement site to study local dust emission mechanisms. At that time, parts of the playa were still flooded from summer monsoon precipitation. During the one-week field trip, we were lucky and witnessed a strong dust event that for a short time reduced visibility to a few meters. Fortunately, the dust was blown northward during this event and the highway was not affected.
Featured on GeoLog, the official blog of the European Geosciences Union
- North America (759)
- Northern America (596)
- United States of America (393)
- Exact location (-108.9280 W, 32.3086 N)
Image properties
5312 × 2988 px;
image/jpeg; 4.5 MB
Samsung SM-G900FD
Taken on 17
Submitted on 28 February 2017
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Martina Klose (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu)