Day and Night – Flood and Drought

Day and Night – Flood and Drought

by Martina Klose

This picture was taken on the way back from field measurements at Lordsburg Playa in New Mexico, USA. With an extent of approximately 10 km in East-West, and 30 km in North-South direction, Lordsburg Playa is a significant dust source in the Southwestern Unites States. It is of particular interest for traffic, as the highway I-10 crosses the playa. Windy conditions and associated dust emissions at the playa frequently lead to drastically reduced visibilities on the highway and severe traffic accidents. In October 2016, I went to a one-week field trip to the playa and installed a temporary measurement site to study local dust emission mechanisms. At that time, parts of the playa were still flooded from summer monsoon precipitation. During the one-week field trip, we were lucky and witnessed a strong dust event that for a short time reduced visibility to a few meters. Fortunately, the dust was blown northward during this event and the highway was not affected.

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