From Siccar Point to the  Variscan unconformity  of  Ponta Ruiva (Sagres - Portugal)

From Siccar Point to the Variscan unconformity of Ponta Ruiva (Sagres - Portugal)

by Nuno Correia, Porto, Portugal

The geology of the Algarve can be divided in two major units, the Upper Palaeozoic Variscan basement of the South Portuguese Zone, and the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of the Algarve Basin. Nowhere else in Portugal this geological partition is so well established as in the Algarve.
At Ponta Ruiva beach it is possible to visualise the Variscan unconformity between the highly folded greywackes and shales of Brejeira Formation of Moscovian age and the Upper Triassic red sandstones and mudstones of the “Grés de Silves”. This is one of the best points to observe the end of the Variscan Cycle and the beginning of the Alpine Cycle.