Broadening a life bit among spreading world out between bitten Earth spaced with a little bite breathing area.

Broadening a life bit among spreading world out between bitten Earth spaced with a little bite breathing area.

by Taner Sengor

Episode: Dancing snow and wind with the lights and trees under the slightly darked and highly cooled night despite restrictions of pandemic for spreading worldwide... that is followable up to the 2040s... sourcing from the artificial small shuttles launching back to the Earth from NEOs [1]-[3].

Acknowledgements: The Author thanks to Urban Planner E. Sengor and G. Sengor, PhD for their encouraging comments for choosing the best favorable images.


[1] T. Sengor, “On the Availability of Electromagnetically Equivalence Processes Relevant to Worldwide Spreadable Diseases Manifolds”, URSI GASS 2021, Rome, Italy, 28 August - 4 September 2021 (accepted).

[2] T. Sengor, “Natural Cooperation of Seismic Activities Related Wave Propagation on the Worldwide Pandemics Processes,” EGU General Assembly, 2021, EGU21-16480, (accepted).
