Two Specimens of Mafic and Felsic Dykes

Two Specimens of Mafic and Felsic Dykes

by Metwally Hamza, Egyptian Geologist, Egypt

- Two opposable different specimens of dyke "vertical cross-cutter of the beds or also called the discordant intrusive body", were pulled out from the complex of mafic-felsic dyke "bimodal dyke swarms", in the Northwestern part of Sinai, in Egypt. They were constrained on "controlled by" magmatic and tectonic processes during the Late Precambrian.
- These specimens were pulled out from the major scale outcrop of dyke swarms in this area, as a hand-sample.
- The term "felsic" is derived from "FEL: feldspars" and "SIC: silica", with a light color, and a lower specific gravity of that is less than 3. And the term mafic is derived from "MA: magnesium" and "FIC: ferric or iron", with a dark color, and a higher specific gravity of that is greater than 3.

⁃ Taken and published by Geologist Metwally Hamza,
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