You never walk alone!

You never walk alone!

by Szabolcs Harangi

A lonely lama is walking along the road 11-CH at the Lago Chungará. The lake formed about 8800 years ago when the volcano Parinacota collapsed and the debris flow blocked the Lauca River. The Parinacota volcano (6348 m asl; left side of the photo) is the fastest growing volcano of the Earth: the present cone was built only in the past 8800 years! The last eruption occurred ca. 2300 years ago, but future eruption is still very likely. To the southeast across the lake, Sajama, a glaciated extinct volcano (6542 m asl; right side of the photo) is the highest peak of Bolivia. In this deserted area, lamas and vicunyas bring life in the rocky landscape and you never walk alone here!