SHADOWS Poster (animated short)

SHADOWS Poster (animated short)

by Isaac Kerlow, Art-Science-Media, Los Angeles, United States of America

Many of our projects are inspired by Earth science or natural hazards but a few focus on exploring the emotions associated with disaster and survival rather than rationally explaining the issues at hand. SHADOWS, Sudden Nature and GENESIS are three shorts that belong in this artistic category.

SHADOWS: Saving the Rain Forest is a contemporary tale of magical realism about preserving the world’s forests. The animated short is inspired by the fantasy of ancient legends and shadow puppets, particularly the wayang kulit Javanese and Balinese performances. The short also highlights the positive role that traditional legends and active communities can have in preserving the world’s natural resources. The story features no dialog, cutout villagers and a gang of invaders, and a computer-generated rain forest and fantastical creatures.
Watch the trailer here: