Fold & Thrusted Kootney Formation, Canmore, Alberta

Fold & Thrusted Kootney Formation, Canmore, Alberta

by Brant Gaetz, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, Canada

Fold & thrusted Jurassic Kootney Formation, Canmore, Alberta, in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Overturned Jurassic Kootney Fm, foreland basin deposits in the footwall of the Rundle Thrust in the town of Canmore, west of the Bow River; along the junction of Highway 742: Three Sisters Parkway / Three Sisters Drive, and Spray Lakes Road, West of the Bow River.

Price, R.A., & Mountjoy, E.W., (1970). Geology Map 1266A, Canmore (West Half), West of Fifth Meridian, Alberta (82O/03NW & SW): Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) Map, GeoSCAN ID 108954, scale 1:50,000, 1 sheet.
and Diagrammatic Canmore structure sections 1 and 2, Accompany 1:50,000 Maps 1265A & 1266A